Vancouver Adventure, Canada – June 13th 2017

Off to Canada we go, not once but twice across the Border. We forgot something and since it was only 5 minutes we went back to Ken’s place. Important safety tip crossing the border twice in a few minutes is frowned upon by the Canucks. Luckily where we crossed is barely a border crossing more like a shack with a guy in it. But he has a gun and I think he was itchy to use it and disappointed when we turned out not to be Drug runners. He was so excited for a minute, he looked like Staci riding the Ferry. This photo is of some famous Bridge, I thought it just looked Cool and told her get a photo.

Staci thinks she is pointing to the sign that says welcome to Canada, it’s behind her head. I can see it clearly in my mind. See how head, mind play off each other. Come on that was subtly funny. 

Our First Canadian Flags on the side of the Road. They were just in front of someone’s house. Nothing to see other than the flags. No story here kind of like our whole trip into Vancouver. We were kind of Disappointed because we really thought it might be a contender to live in. Note to self do not have expectations.

Hard to make out the Buildings as they look dull in the photo, wait that is how all the buildings looked in Vancouver. It’s like one paint color was on sale for the entire City. Okay Been there and done that, Check it off the list Baby.